British Choirs on the Net

News and Performance Opportunities

Compton Organ Specialists build pipeless Real Time portable organs suitable for choral accompaniment

If your choir is planning a piece that uses a harmonium, you might like to know about Pam & Phillip Fluke's Harmonium Services in Saltaire, near Shipley, Yorkshire. They hire out a Mustel instrument that's top of the range. It's been hired out to BBC radio & TV, to many choirs, and to events such as the Edinburgh Festival and Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival. So if you're doing Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle, Fauré's Requiem or Cantique de Jean Racine, Stravinsky's Les Noces or various things by Debussy, Berg, Puccini, Gavin Bryars .... e-mail  or phone 01274-585601, mobile 07976-535980.